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We are thrilled to invite you to our 2021 Update on Alzheimer’s Disease. The annual forum is an opportunity for us to share our ongoing work at UBC towards new therapies and diagnostic tools for Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and provide expert advice on various aspects of dementia care. 


This year has become particularly challenging with COVID-19, which disproportionally impacts those residing in care homes. Many are still not able to visit their loved ones due to visitation restrictions, and we are all hopeful the situation will gradually improve in the near future. On the positive side, the pandemic has also showed us the value of technology, with widely available video chat tools affording the opportunity to remain close while physically distanced. It has also allowed us to bring you this year’s innovative forum, which would otherwise not have been possible in the current environment. Through a webcast we have the opportunity to reach even more people, including those who may not be thrilled by a trip to UBC at 8:30am. We look forward to your feedback and whether a digital platform might even be the future for our forum.


From a research and therapy perspective, this past year was another very exciting year. The highlight was the drug aducanumab, which was reported to show some very mild benefits across measures in Alzheimer’s patients, despite being deemed ineffective earlier in the year. This year we will also touch on issues ranging from brain pathology to robotic pets and emerging strategies for dementia prevention. With our expert group it should be an exciting morning, and we very much look forward to seeing you!


Haakon B. Nygaard, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurology

Charles E. Fipke Professor in AD Research

Director, UBCH Clinic for AD & Related Disorders


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© 2023 Clinic for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders

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